This EV Market Share section of EVAdoption includes electric vehicle sales and market share for the various markets around the world, US overall and California and selected states when data becomes available.

New Electric Vehicle Sales Market Share for 2016, 2017 and Forecast for 2018 (full year) for Selected Markets

New Electric Vehicle Sales Market Share 2016, 2017 & 2018

United States Electric Vehicle (EV) New Sales Market Share and Forecast

EV Sales Forecast - US & California - 2016-2025

While US EV sales have been hovering in the 1% neighborhood for about the last year, EV sales in March 2018 were 1.6% of total light vehicle sales and could end up close to 2% by the end of 2018 primarily because of deliveries of the Tesla Model 3.

Even at 1.6% EVs are still well under 2% of total vehicle sales in the US, but this is a fairly significant increase in market share of roughly 50% for the last 12 months.

2017-2018 US auto sales EV market share-updated

Where Are EVs Selling Well Above the US Average?

ICCT- California EV Sales by Top City-2017

No surprise, EVs continue to sell extremely well in upper-income cities in California. Thirty California cities had electric vehicle shares above 10% in 2017, up from 19 such cities in 2016, according to new analysis from ICCT.

There were 109 California cities with a greater than 5% share of new electric vehicles in 2017, up from just 64 in 2016, according to ICCT.

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