Level 2 Chargers & Locations

How many Level 2 charging stations are there in the US? As of December 31, 2021 there were 91,539 public Level 2 chargers (ports*) in the US, according to EVAdoption analysis based on data from the Alternative Fueling Data Center (AFDC). These Level 2 charging ports were located at 33,499 host sites, for an average of 2.7 charging ports per location.

*AFDC uses the term โ€œportsโ€ to mean the number of charging connections that can occur simultaneously. For example, some Level 2 chargers from companies such as ChargePoint have two charging cables and can charge two EVs at the same time from a single charger. While other chargers may have more than one connector, but can only charge a single EV at time. While reporting can differ across the various charging networks, most now report the number of ports as meaning the number of concurrent number of possible charging sessions.33,47

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ChargePoint is the largest Level 2 charging network in the US with 47,114  chargers (ports) and a 51.5% share of the market, followed by the Tesla Destination Charging Network with 14,677 chargers and a 16% share. Non-networked (meaning they are standalone chargers not part of any of the networks) account for the third most Level 2 chargers at 10,519 and 11.5% share, followed by the  SemaConnect Network with 5,802 chargers and a 6.3% market share.

When combining the top three Level 2 charging networks of ChargePoint, Tesla Destination Charging, and SemaConnect plus non-networked chargers, they accounted for 85.3% of all public Level 2 chargers as of December 31, 2021.

Below is a chart from 2019 to 2020 on the number of Level 2 charging locations and ports in the US overall and by the leading charging networks. All data is sourced from the Alternative Fuels Data Center.

December 31, 2020

The number of Level 2 charging ports increased 31.1% in 2020 versus 2019 and the number of locations rose 17.4%.