Canada: BEV Sales & Sales Share

Overall & by Province Q3 2021 - Q3 2022


Note: This is the aggregated sales and not sales by brand or individual model.

Looking for recent electric vehicle sales (registration) numbers and sales share by Canadian province? Did you know that:

  • Canadian BEV sales increased steadily since Q4 2021, and have nearly doubled (85.4% increase) since Q3 2021. 
  • Over the last five quarters, QoQ BEV sales growth change ranged from a low of -11.5% in Q4 2021 to a high of 40.5% in Q1 2022. 
  • Across the seven provinces with available data, British Columbia had the highest BEV sales share each quarter since Q3 2021 and reached the highest level ever at 15.9%, in Q3 2022.

Uncover these and other trends in this Excel spreadsheet where you will find Q3 2021-Q3 2022 sales and share for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) for Canada overall and the following Canadian provinces:

  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan


Note: The excel file does NOT contain data for these provinces/territories: Alberta, Newfoundland & Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, and Yukon.


The file includes sales (registrations) and sales share for BEVs for the provinces and all powertrain types of Canada overall.


Excel Sheets Included:

  • Canada Overall
  • Canada BEV Sales Share
  • Province Sales by Quarter
  • Province Sales Share by Quarter
  • Province Q3 2022 vs Q3 2022
  • Province Q3 2022 vs Q3 2021
  • Ontario
  • Quebec
  • British Columbia and the Territ
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Saskatchewan
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Source

In addition to the Excel file of the raw EV sales data, EVAdoption has produced a PDF report specifically on Canadian sales and sales share of battery electric vehicles (BEVs). This 16-page report includes nine charts and tables on BEV sales and sales share for Q3 2022, Q1-Q3 2022, and Q3 2021 to Q3 2022.

The report has two sections: Canada Overall and Canada By Province. The US Overall section has four charts, and the Canada By Province section has five charts and tables that show how different provinces rank comparatively for BEV sales and sales share.

Charts & Tables Included:
Canada Overall:

  1. Q3 2022 vs. Q2 2022 Sales: All Powertrain & Fuel Types

  2. BEV Sales Showing Steady Growth Relative to ICE Vehicles

  3. Q3 2021 to Q3 2022 Sales: BEV Sales

  4. Q3 2021 to Q3 2022: QoQ Sales Growth Change

Canada by Province:

  1. Q3 2021 to Q3 2022: BEV Sales

  2. Q3 2021 to Q3 2022: BEV Sales Share

  3. Q3 vs. Q2 2022 BEV Sales Change

  4. Q3 2022 vs. Q3 2022 BEV Sales Change

Have a question on the report before you buy, send us your question via our Contact form 

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Overall & by Province: Q3 2021 - Q3 2022​

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Canada: BEV Sales & Sales Share

Overall & by Province Q3 2021 - Q3 2022


Note: This is the aggregated sales and not sales by brand or individual model.

Looking for recent electric vehicle sales (registration) numbers and sales share by Canadian province? Did you know that:

  • Canadian BEV sales increased steadily since Q4 2021, and have nearly doubled (85.4% increase) since Q3 2021. 
  • Over the last five quarters, QoQ BEV sales growth change ranged from a low of -11.5% in Q4 2021 to a high of 40.5% in Q1 2022. 
  • Across the seven provinces with available data, British Columbia had the highest BEV sales share each quarter since Q3 2021 and reached the highest level ever at 15.9%, in Q3 2022.

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