California & EVs: By the Numbers – 20 Statistics That Might Surprise You

China and California are the two most important geographic markets in the world when it comes to the adoption of electric vehicles.

China is critical because it is now both the largest auto market in the world but with government requiring strict electric vehicle goals in the coming years, auto manufacturers are forced to produce electric vehicles if they want to sell in that market. Many of the models produced by global auto manufacturers for the Chinese market may end up in other markets around the world a few years later – including in California.

Accounting for 48% of all electric vehicles sold in United States, California is the driving force of the transition to vehicle electrification in the US.

California is investing with both public and private funds in an effort to meet the state’s goal to reach 5 million zero emission vehicles on the road by 2030, and is on pace to reach the target of 1.5 million zero emission vehicles on the road by 2025.

The state has numerous available rebates and incentives – including those from utilities. And the 3 major utilities are investing heavily in EV charging infrastructure programs. California is not only setting the pace but is showing other states how EV adoption will eventually roll out.

To bring California’s electric vehicles dominance to life I pulled together 20 statistics in a new EVAdoption SlideShare presentation:

Browse the slides and let me know which, if any, of the statistics you find especially surprising or interesting – and perhaps I’ll do a deeper dive in a future post. Also, if you’ve come across some fascinating and EV or charging station statistics related to California, please let me know.


Picture of Loren McDonald

Loren McDonald


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